Wednesday, 4 July 2012

let's Start:-

 when you first open powerpoint, you 
will see a blank "slide"with a space for 
title and subtitle  in two can 
use this page to degin creating your 
presetation right can put title 
and subtitle in the boxes if you want to 
use(click inside and type),but you could 
also delete them and insert anything 
you want.Dotted borders identify 
placeholders, where you can type text or insert 
pictures, charts, and other objects.
In the Notes pane, you can type notes about the 
current slide. You can hand out your notes to 
your audience or refer to your notes in 
Presenter view when you give your 

After putting the title and subtitle 
to create a new slide pree the NEW 
SLIDE as shown in image

You’ll see a new blank slide that looks a 
little different. The makers of 
PowerPoint have tried to make this easy 
for you and they have guessed that 
you’d like to have a title and text on 
your second page. That is why you see 
“Click to add title” and “Click to add 

Once you have created your first couple of slides, you 
may want to add a design to your presentation to 
make it more professional-looking.
Type the text for your new slide, then go to  
on the menu bar and select Slide Design. Your 
design choices will show up on the right side of the 
page. Simply click on the different designs to see how 
your slide would look. The design you select will by 
applied to all of your slides automatically. You can 
experiment with the designs and change any time you 
want to.

You can preview your slide show at any time. To see 
your new creation at work, go to View on the menu 
bar and select Slide Show. Your presentation will 
appear. To move from one slide to another, use your 
arrow keys on you computer keyboard.
To go back to design mode, simply hit your “Escape” 
key. Now you have enough experience with 
PowerPoint to experiment with other features.

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